PCS Pipeline Compliance System - American Innovations
PCS software automates data collection, analysis, planning, scheduling, and reporting to manage pipeline programs at all levels. PCS also provides integrated compliance with PHMSA & DOT regulatory standards, while keeping pace with the expanding Mega Rule.
(AI KB) PCS: Hosted Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How do I take advantage of new PCS Versions? Answer: This is one of the key benefits of utilizing AI’s PCS Hosted service. AI offloads the burden of time-consuming upgrade tasks such as installing new versions on each end-user’s individual computer.
Home : American Innovations
American Innovations helps to keep pipeline infrastructure safe and compliant, with ease. By helping you capture high-quality data on oil and gas assets, AI provides powerful capabilities to manage, analyze, and collaborate to give your data meaningful context.
(AI KB) PCS 2.4 Install Link & Upgrade/Install Documentation
Below is a link to PCS 2.4 Installer - please be aware that this file is hosted on a Secure FTP Site You will also find Installation Documentation for PCS 2.4 Download Link: PCS 2.4 EXE Link
(AI KB) PCS: Add a Pipeline/Right of Way to the Hierarchy
Launch the PCS application 2. Click on the icon on the "selected ROWs title bar ( or double-click in the pane or select File> Select ROWs) To open the Select ROWs window.
Overview of the PCS Databases - American Innovations
The PCS application uses three databases to store and manage PCS data: the main PCS database, an Images database, and an Export database. Main PCS database — contains all data necessary for the successful use of PCS , including PCS data, settings, and customizations.
PCS Field Data Collector - American Innovations
Part of the PCS Field Integration suite of hardware and software solutions, PCS Field Data Collector for Windows, iOS, and Android enables you to perform annual, periodic, DCVG, and close interval surveys, and validate inspection data in real time.
(AI IV) Getting Started with PCS Survey Manager (Video)
Below you'll find a link that will take you to our video training for Getting Started with PCS Survey Manager. Getting Started with PCS Survey Manager Note: This will open a link in a new webpage.
(AI IV) PCS Bridge Introduction (Video)
Below you'll find a link that will take you to our video training for the PCS Bridge. PCS Bridge Introduction Training . Note: This will open a link in a new webpage.
PCS Technical Document: Setting Up For a Pipeline Compliance System (PCS)-Bullhorn (BAT) Interface . The . Bullhorn Super Extract. is an optional report that contains data from Bullhorn remote monitoring units so they can be imported into PCS program, and finally into any of its module facility types.