Minnesota River - Wikipedia
The Minnesota River (Dakota: Mnísota Wakpá) is a tributary of the Mississippi River, approximately 332 miles (534 km) long, in the U.S. state of Minnesota. It drains a watershed of 14,751 square miles (38,200 km 2 ) in Minnesota and about 2,000 sq mi (5,200 km 2 ) in South Dakota and Iowa .
Minnesota River segments and maps | Minnesota DNR
Maps and details for the six paddling segments of the Minnesota River State Water Trail.
Interactive Water Trail Map - Minnesota DNR
Whenever you spend time on the water, be sure to plan your itinerary conservatively. Use good judgment in relation to weather conditions, water levels, the onset of darkness, and the potential for difficulty finding the accesses or campsites you are seeking. Terms and Conditions of Use.
Minnesota River Virtual Tour - Map
Minnesota River Virtual Tour - Map As we head downriver, we’ll be exploring stops along the 335-mile journey of the Minnesota River. We'll start at the headwaters near Big Stone Lake (1) and continue on to the confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Paul, Minnesota (11).
Minnesota River | Minnesota DNR
Fishing and fisheries mangement information and resources about the Minnesota River, which flows southeastward from the Minnesota-South Dakota border to Mankato, where it turns northeastward to its confluence with the Mississippi River at Fort Snelling in St. Paul.
Map of Minnesota Lakes, Streams and Rivers - Geology.com
A statewide map of Minnesota showing the major lakes, streams and rivers. Drought, precipitation, and stream gage information.
The Minnesota River flowing out of Big Stone Lake begins its journey as a fairly narrow and meandering stream that can be tough to paddle due to snags, broken-down bridges and other obstacles. From
The Minnesota River makes it way through Lac qui Parle Lake, a natural lake formed as a result of the Lac qui Parle River flowing into the Minnesota River. The U.S. Corps of Engineers later built a dam near the confluence of these two rivers. From there, the Minnesota River flows past Montevideo down to Granite
Interactive Maps | Minnesota River Basin Data Center
Printable Maps. Basin Maps; Watershed Overview Maps; Land Use Maps; Impaired Waters Maps
River like Birch Coulee Creek and Fort Ridgely Creek. The canoeable portion of the Cottonwood River begins in the city of Springfield and ends 58 river miles later when it empties into the Minnesota River near New Ulm.