Columbia County, Arkansas
Columbia County is home to 24,552 people (according to the 2010 Census information) and is surrounded by the following Arkansas counties in the southwestern part of the state: Nevada County, Ouachita County, Union County, and Lafayette County.
County Clerk - Columbia County, Arkansas
Columbia County, Arkansas • 1 Court Square • Magnolia, AR 71753 • Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
Tax Collector - Columbia County, Arkansas
Paying Property and Real Estate Taxes in Columbia County, Arkansas Tax books open March 1st and are payable by October 15th of each year. Taxes can be paid in partial payments at any time as long as the balance is paid by October 15th.
Contact Us - Columbia County, Arkansas
Columbia County, Arkansas • 1 Court Square • Magnolia, AR 71753 • Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
Assessor - Columbia County, Arkansas
Location of Columbia County Assessor's Office . Columbia County Annex. 101 Boundary, Suite 105 Magnolia, AR 71753. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm. Phone: 870-234-4380. https://www.google.com/search?q=101+Boundary+St%2C+Magnolia%2C+AR&sca_esv=594453044&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1046US1046&sxsrf=
Circuit Clerk - Columbia County, Arkansas
Columbia County Circuit Clerk, Probate & Recorder # 1 Courthouse Square, Ste 3 Magnolia, AR 71753. Phone: 870-235-3700 Fax: 870-235-3786. Email County Circuit Clerk, Probate & Recorder . Property Fraud Alert . Property Fraud Alert is now available for Columbia County.
Road Department - Columbia County, Arkansas
The Columbia County Road and Bridge Department maintains over 1,200 miles of paved and unpaved county roads. Amendment 55 gives the authority and exclusive control over county roads to the County Judge.
County Judge - Columbia County, Arkansas
County Judge # 1 Court Square Magnolia, AR 71753. Phone: 870-234-2542 Fax: 870-235-3723. Email County Judge. In Arkansas local government, the County Judge serves as the chief …
Veterans Services - Columbia County, Arkansas
Magnolia, AR. Mailing Address #1 Court Square Magnolia, AR 71753. Phone: 870-235-3746 Fax: 870-235-3707. Email Veterans Services Officer . The office is opened each week on Tuesday & Wednesday from 8:00-4:30 pm.
Treasurer - Columbia County, Arkansas
The County Treasurer is responsible for the custody, disbursement, and investment of all county funds. She receives funds from other county elected officials monthly, including ad valorem …