This is the time when innovation is crucial. To make our world safer, lives healthier and combat climate change. TNO ...
TNO kondigt vandaag de lancering aan van Scenexus, een nieuw spin-off bedrijf gespecialiseerd in software voor stedelijke ...
TNO today announced the launch of Scenexus, a new spin-off company specialising in enterprise software for urban planning.
TNO start met partners een project om defecten binnenin windturbinebladen op te sporen met röntgeninspectie door drones vanaf ...
TNO, together with partners, is starting a project to detect defects inside wind turbine blades using X-ray inspection by ...
In het Kennisprogramma Natte Kunstwerken bundelen Deltares, MARIN, Rijkswaterstaat en TNO hun expertise. Nieuwe metingen bij ...
TNO 2025: Impact en groei door focus. In een FD interview spreekt CEO Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi over het belang van innovatie, maar ...
Then we’d like to hear from you! Please contact us for more information about the job or the selection process. To apply, please upload your CV and covering letter using the ‘apply now’ button.
Then we’d like to hear from you! Please contact us for more information about the job or the selection process. To apply, please upload your CV and covering letter using the ‘apply now’ button.
TNO helpt batterij- en voertuigsector met batterijpaspoort.Met een demonstrator en whitepaper toont TNO hoe zo’n ...
TNO helps battery and vehicle sector with battery passport. TNO shows how such a product passport can be implemented in a ...
Plastic is long-lasting, versatile, and inexpensive to produce. Unfortunately, it is also often bad for the environment. A ...