This is the first step in ensuring every part of the Barbican Centre is restored, revitalised and relevant for future generations.
Please note: Applications for the LONDON E-Business Support Programme are no longer being accepted by us. If you are in a borough other than City of London or Tower Hamlets, please find your nearest ...
The City of London Corporation partners with a wide range of organisations who can give support when starting and growing your business. Explore the list to learn more about each partner and the ...
Ben Murphy, Chairman of City of London Corporation's Epping Forest and Commons Committee, works tirelessly to ensure that London's ancient forest is properly managed for the benefit of all. Read his ...
We are committed to creating positive impact and reducing negative impact across all our activities and decisions covering our own operations and across the Square Mile, because it is the right thing ...
West Ham Park is a much-loved green space and the largest park in Newham. It offers recreation, play, learning opportunities, places to socialise and beautiful gardens which are stunning all year ...
To permit the sale of alcohol on and off the premises, 11:30am – 10:30pm Monday to Sunday. A record of this application is held by the City of London and can be viewed by members of the public on this ...
The City of London Corporation is the highway authority for all the streets in the City of London except for the Red Routes which are managed by Transport for London.
On 26 November a decision was taken by the Court of Common Council to end the planned move of Billingsgate and Smithfield markets to a new location in Dagenham, and instead to provide financial ...
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list please complete the form below. Once subscribed, you will receive the weekly Barbican Bulletin, which contains information such as local road ...