A thunderous boom and a large billow of dark-gray smoke rising in the air marked the quick demise of steel beams that had ...
MANKATO, Minn. (AP) — Contractors on Wednesday blew up the remnants of a damaged southern Minnesota bridge that almost ...
A subcontractor of the company hired to remove the County Road 9 bridge over the Blue Earth River used explosive charges to ...
MANKATO, Minn. (KEYC) - A subcontractor of the company hired to remove the County Road 9 bridge over the Blue Earth River is ...
Faced with the task of replacing a flood-damaged bridge, and removing a breached dam, county officials face the prospect of ...
An engineering firm hired Tuesday to design the demise of the Rapidan Dam expects it to disappear by the end of 2028 — 118 ...
State money may soon be on the way to help tear out the Rapidan Dam after it partially failed following severe flooding last summer. Blue Earth County officials have been working to secure funding ...