A large corporate landlord in New Haven has developed a new policy allowing potential tenants to appeal rejections based on their criminal history.
Lamont’s administration failed to adhere to a law that aims to increase fairness in Connecticut’s criminal justice system.
The agenda of consortium Growing Together Connecticut also includes more money for homelessness services and a state-level ...
Here in Connecticut, we have 100% control over zoning, and the cost of meaningful changes are almost nothing,” said Erin ...
Connecticut was among the leaders in the nation by providing free e-messaging to people who are incarcerated and this would be a massive step backwards,” said one advocate.
New Haven is looking to reconnect a number of neighborhoods divided by I-91. New Haven’s Mill River neighborhood, Fair Haven, and East Rock are all divided and split apart by I-91.
Ridgefield residents voted to establish a Fair Rent Commission, the last municipality in the state required to do so and 17 ...
Are you looking for a place to call home next school year? The Ball State Daily Housing Fair, sponsored by The Haven, is here ...
Special Education Legal Fund (S.E.L.F) and SEEK CT (Special Education Equity for Kids of CT) are excited to announce their ...
IRIS is still hoping to purchase a building on Fox Street in Fair Haven and move from current rented spaces. Before you leave... As a nonprofit newsroom, we believe the healthiest way to sustain and ...
CT music producers Aaron Rogers and Rashad Johnson of New Haven's The Breed Entertainment win Grammy for work with Chris ...