"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
Romulus's success, we now look forward to the first-ever Alien TV show, coming to Hulu in 2025. Here's everything we know ...
On January 27, FX and Disney (yeah, remember they own the Alien franchise now after buying Fox) released a new teaser for ...
Alien: Earth stars Sydney Chandler, Alex Lawther, and Timothy Olyphant. The vast ensemble cast includes Moe Bar-El, Kit Young ...
FX and Hulu have dropped another teaser for their eagerly-awaited sci-fi horror series Alien: Earth, offering a quick glimpse ...
A new teaser that FX dropped for Alien: Earth shows planet Earth will serve as the show’s setting. In the teaser, a Xenomorph ...
Earth has just dropped, giving fans an exciting first look at the Xenomorph and a mysterious spaceship crash-landing on Earth.
When it comes to movies and TV shows, we haven't seen these alien species so much in the universe of Star Wars. They deserve ...
Hunting Grounds has become a notable asymmetrical multiplayer game with a refreshing and cohesive take on the sci-fi universe ...
Space games have been there since the beginning of video game history. Today, these five offer galactic explorers a broad mix ...
If you own a PlayStation 5 and are in the market for a premium gaming experience in virtual reality, you should waste no time ...
Fans of the sci-fi horror franchise Alien have been treated to a first look at Alien: Earth, but many of them noticed ...