The three-inch-long “Cheetozard,” a Flamin' Hot Cheeto that looks like the Pokémon Charizard, sold for $87,840 at auction at ...
A Cheeto shaped like the beloved Pokémon Charizard has sold at auction for a total cost of $87,840. The Goldin auction house ...
A Pokémon-shaped Flamin’ Hot Cheeto nicknamed “Cheetozard” has sold for $87,840 to an unnamed buyer, the Goldin auction house ...
Some people collect rare Pokémon cards. Others look for old toys. But one lucky buyer just got something very different—a ...
Collectors and Pokémon fans in Cheyenne say they can’t believe someone paid almost $88,000 at an auction for a Cheeto. The ...
Shaped like the character Charizard, and nicknamed Cheetozard, the uniquely shaped spicy snack was sold for $87,840 by Goldin ...
The unique Pokémon collectible known as 'Cheetozard', a very stale Cheeto shaped like the fire type final evolution, has sold ...
A Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like Charizard, a beloved Pokémon, sold for $87,840 at auction. Nicknamed 'Cheetozard,' the ...