If you're a fan of Solid Snake, or perhaps more specifically, of Solid Snake's rear end, then your heartfelt thanks should be directed towards one particular Metal Gear Solid lead, according to an ...
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima almost left Konami in the 90s after feeling frustrated with other developers.
The order given to him is to infiltrate into enemy's headquarters called "Galuade" and destroy Metal Gear. Solid Snake by himself stands up against the impregnable armed fortress. But there awaits ...
In the interview, Noriaki Okamura, a producer and designer for Konami, stated, “Our top priority is to deliver a polished and high-quality Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater to our fans.” ...
With Metal Gear Solid Delta Snake Eater nowhere to be seen, eyes are turning to the also-missing Production Hotline series.