Tropical riparian ecosystems—those found along rivers and wetlands—recovered much faster than expected following the ...
Some paleontologists think that fossils recovered from Antarctica are evidence of birds similar to modern geese and ducks ...
There will be a special fossil event at Llandrindod Library in its new home in the Radnorshire Museum building, Temple Street ...
How might you make your mark on the world forever? Write a play more timeless than Shakespeare, or compose music to out-do ...
Discover the fascinating story of a sea cow fossil in Venezuela, providing insights into prehistoric marine life and predator ...
The 1.5 million acre Lake Mead National Recreation Area covers “mountains, canyons, valleys and two vast lakes,” the National ...
A 68-million-year-old skull fossil found in Antarctica has revealed the oldest known modern bird, which was likely related to ...
The extremely well-preserved ammonite - believed to be between 100 to 105 million years-old - has been discovered on the Isle ...
A research team led by Prof. WANG Min from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese ...
The Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, home to the Tyrannosaurus rex holotype and a famous Diplodocus, will ...
I enjoyed the article about school kids finding fossils in the rocks brought by Stonerose Center. Hands on learning is always so much more impressive than just reading about it in books.
Fossil evidence from North China suggests that some ecosystems may have recovered within just two million years of the ...