Cyanobacteria thrive in warm, sunny lakes and ponds that contain excess nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients derived from fertiliser, manure and sewage. When conditions are right, cyanobacteria multiply ...
As a senator, JD Vance supported funding for the restoration of the lakes. Advocates are hoping the vice president will as ...
Nearly extinct in the mid-20th century due to over-hunting, a whopping 280,000 Canada geese now live in Michigan.
To try to understand how harmful algal blooms might evolve in Lake Erie in a warming climate, University of Michigan scientists helped conduct a survey of cyanobacteria in a gulf of Kenya's Lake ...
The highly anticipated sturgeon spearing season on Lake Winnebago is set to begin this Saturday, February 8. After a ...
The small plastic particles are "ubiquitous" in Great Lakes water, sediment, plants, fish and beaches, an international panel ...