Akron City Council passed the 2025 Capital Budget, which allocates $380 million in investments for the city’s infrastructure.
More than half of Akron's roughly $380 million capital spending will fund water, sewer projects. City councilman hopes ...
60% of the 2025 capital budget will be invested in water and sewer upgrades. Mayor Shammas Malik said the budgeted new debt ...
City of Akron says it has a way for event at Joy Park to go on inside community center without police as security; mayor ...
Akron Mayor Shammas Malik sat down with 3News for a one-on-one interview about the city's new budget. Yellowstone to Yosemite: Kevin Costner speculates the reason behind Teddy Roosevelt's ...
Malik says the budget reflects news investment in the city's water and sewer infrastructure, parks and green spaces, public safety institutions, housing, and more.
Malik says the budget reflects news investment in the city's water and sewer infrastructure, parks and green spaces, public safety institutions, housing, and more.
Following a lawsuit settlement, Akron invited community input on crowd management policy led by consultant Spencer Fomby.
The city of Akron says it is hoping to reach a compromise with the family of Jazmir Tucker after planning for a Black History Month event to honor the teenager Saturday hit a stalemate over a ...