U.S. President Donald Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of its Palestinian inhabitants and redeveloped into an international beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son ...
As the vibrant sounds of drums and gongs filled the air, a colorful troupe of performers holding an ancient auspicious animal, wound its way through the villages of the New Territories of Hong Kong, ...
President Donald Trump's new tariff orders against Canada, Mexico and China all contain clauses suspending a duty-free exemption for low-value shipments below $800 that is widely seen as a loophole ...
When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions to punish Colombia for refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees, part of his sweeping immigration crackdown. But in a ...
The Trump administration urged U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) workers to join the effort to transform how Washington allocates aid around the world in line with Trump’s “America ...
Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
四川宜賓市發生山泥傾瀉, 最少十間民房被掩埋, 30多人失蹤. 事發在接近中午12點, 現場是宜賓市筠連縣金坪村, 當局已經疏散大約二百人, 又指山泥傾瀉仍然持續, 呼籲民眾避免前往災害發生區域. 四川省地質災害指揮部, 將應急響應提升到一級. 國家主席習近平發出指示, 要千方百計搜救失蹤者, 最大限度減少傷亡, 妥善做好善後工作, 防止發生其他災害, 切實保障人民生命財產安全. 總理李強亦作出批 ...
美國國務院要求無條件釋放壹傳媒創辦人黎智英, 外交部駐港特派員公署表示強烈不滿和堅決反對. 公署發言人批評, 黎智英作為反中亂港事件主要策劃者和煽動者, 甘願當美國「以港遏華」馬前卒, 明目張膽勾結外部勢力危害國家安全, 鐵證如山, 美方把法治、 人權掛在嘴上, 實際上卻不遺餘力, 為自己的外國代理人撐腰打氣, 政治用心昭然若揭. 發言人強調, 香港是法治社會, 有法必依, 違法必究, 中央政府堅 ...
特區政府譴責美國國務院, 公然施壓要求無條件釋放黎智英. 政府發言人指, 由於黎智英所涉及案件的法律程序尚在進行中, 任何人都不應評論有關案件, 特區政府強烈敦促外部勢力, 立即停止干預特區的內部事務, 及特區法院獨立行使的審判權. 發言人又強調, 任何國家、 組織或個人, 企圖利用政治力量, 干預香港特區的司法程序, 以促使任何被告人, 不能獲得應有的公平審訊, 都是破壞香港特區法治的行為, 應 ...
海關檢獲一批巿值約80萬元懷疑冰毒, 拘捕一名男子. 海關早前在太子進行反毒品行動期間, 鎖定一名懷疑管控當區一個毒品儲存倉的男子, 並在單位檢獲約1.5公斤懷疑冰毒和一批毒品包裝工具, 估計市值共約八十萬元, 即場拘捕一名76歲懷疑涉案男子. 男子報稱退休人士, 被控一項販運危險藥物罪, 下星期一在西九龍裁判法院提堂.