When the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was passed in the 1970s, eutrophication was the big problem. Eutrophication occurs when too many nutrients enter a body of water, increasing the amount of ...
For more than 20 years, professor Keith Grasman has studied the effects of pollution on Great Lakes colonial waterbirds, focusing on three species: Herring Gulls, Black-Crowned Night Herons and ...
Every year, more than 22 million pounds of plastic pollution enter the Great Lakes, according to a study by the Rochester Institute of Technology. While visible plastic waste is an ongoing concern, an ...
The small plastic particles are "ubiquitous" in Great Lakes water, sediment, plants, fish and beaches, an international panel ...
The ‘Blue Paradox Exhibit’ in Chicago’s Griffin Museum of Science and Industry showcases the problems facing wildlife in the Great Lakes, specifically, regarding plastics. The display ...
As much as the Great Lakes are healthier today than they once were (when there were no pollution regulations), there are still plenty of challenges, including agricultural pollution. Over the last ...
Twenty two million pounds of plastic waste end up in the Great Lakes every year. About half of that waste ends up in Lake Michigan alone. A percentage of that pollution is made up of everyday ...