In the seventh installment of Outlander, Lord John Grey, portrayed by David Berry, faces a life-altering injury that sets the ...
The showrunner also tackled Lord John Grey spin-off rumors, the Outlander prequel, and why the show killed [spoiler].
Outlander fans were left stunned as they heard a number of the show's stars speaking in their real accents in a new clip from ...
Later, the Starz show reveals that the “French” aide is actually a Brit with colonial leanings, secret knowledge, and a colorful history with none other than Lord John Grey (David Berry).
Claire married Lord John Grey to save her life in Outlander Season 7. Complications arise for Claire and her lover, Jamie, in the current season. The two lovers were running for their lives in the ...
For all of the Outlander fans who swooned over Lord John Grey throughout the seasons, it seems like a spinoff show for the character fell through the cracks. Actor David Berry, who has portrayed ...
After being told he’d perished in a ship crossing the sea from Scotland to America, Claire was left with a tough decision to make, marry Lord John Grey (David Berry) or face potential death ...
Outlander delivered a crushing blow to leading lady Claire (Caitriona Balfe) in the latest installment, “Brotherly Love,” as Lord John Grey (David Berry) informed her that Jamie’s (Sam ...
Shared grief for Jamie (Sam Heughan) – who later turned out to be very much alive – drove his “widow” Claire (Caitriona Balfe) and his good friend Lord John Grey (David Berry) into each ...
I’m talking about two characters who suffered personal blows in their lives: William (Charles Vandervaart) and Lord John Grey (David Berry). Until the last moments of the episode, I was unsure who ...